I had a dream where there was a tall man standing in an alley. He approached a woman and blew smoke in her face and grinned. When I awoke, I knew this was something to mention to my client. When I meditated on it, the message was that a dark force put a smoke screen in her mental and visual senses to keep her from completing her mission on earth, which is to be a holder of the light and assist humanity through to the other side of enlightenment. She’s a bringer of the light and I’m guessing you are too if you’re still reading this.

The actual definition of a smoke screen, according to Google, is a ruse designed to disguise someone’s real intentions or activities. Because I’ve been helping people clear these dark energies for over a decade, I know that light is actually more powerful than dark, so fear not.

This dark force is not just doing this with my client. I received a message that that is what is happening with a lot of people right now.

It leads us to have a skewed view of our actual lives. It will mess with our thoughts, our bodies and our perception of what is happening. Things have been thrown on our path from this dark force to trip us up as if there have been jacks thrown on the floor as we’re roller skating. Of course we have our lessons, and this is a different kind of energy that is being cleared from the planet.

So many people are dealing with these smoke screens as I write this. For my client, we did an energy clearing and Reiki to eradicate this from her energy and lift the veil from her mind and vision. She has felt her world is a brighter place. She also has more energy to help people instead of only able to get by in survival mode.

If you need my assistance, I now have shortened versions of Distance Reiki with special rates and I can check and clear your energy in 15 minute mini sessions for $25. As soon as humanly possible I will check your energy and email you my notes on what we cleared. If you would like to book it, simply send payment with a message in the comments using the words MINI SESSION. I have Venmo @Corinn-LeMar1, Paypal or Zelle email Corinn2013@gmail.com or Cashapp $CorinnLeMar

For the special Reiki sessions, you can book here and then send payment before your session to the above apps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

