by Corinn LeMar | Oct 15, 2018 | Dream Healer Corinn, Today's Dream
People usually ask me how they can stop having bad dreams. I know that feeling of being haunted by a nightmare or unpleasant dream. You are left feeling exhausted from what happened. You wonder why you had it and what there is to do about it. What if I told you bad...
by Corinn LeMar | Oct 12, 2018 | Dream Healer Corinn, Today's Dream
The dream I had for a client of mine was where she was on a beach. She looked up and saw a huge wave coming. She immediately did a hand stand, some children grabbed her legs and helped her walk all along the beach in celebration of this wave. When I told my client...
by Corinn LeMar | Sep 17, 2018 | Love
A colleague of mine asked if I would answer some questions for her on non-verbal behavior. I asked her if a kiss could be an example. She said yes, so I sent her this. “When I was 11 years old I met BJ, a boy who lived on my block. We became friends. I remember we...
by Corinn LeMar | Aug 27, 2018 | Dream Healer Corinn, Today's Dream
I had a dream for a client who was feeling heavy energy for a couple of weeks. In the dream she was looking forward to having a day all to herself in her home. When she walked out of her bedroom she saw strangers were in her house. They were everywhere. They couldn’t...
by Corinn LeMar | Aug 10, 2018 | Love
When you head over heels for someone it can be really hard to maintain your center. All you want to do is spend time with this person. The divine feeling of being swallowed by someone has you feeling bathed in love. At some point this compulsion to spend all of your...