Release the Crazies

When you head over heels for someone it can be really hard to maintain your center. All you want to do is spend time with this person. The divine feeling of being swallowed by someone has you feeling bathed in love. At some point this compulsion to spend all of your...

Can You Turn Lust into Love?

Today I saw an anonymous comment that infatuation is when you find someone absolutely perfect. Love is when you realize they aren’t perfect and it doesn’t really matter. I believe that when you truly get to know someone for who they are and don’t...

Dream Healing for Love

Almost everyday I have dreams for me, but I don’t often write about me because a woman once told me my newsletter should be inspirational and not a journal about me. I let that criticism in until I realized that as a collective consciousness healer, what I’m going...

When Spirit Calls

It’s been about four months since I’ve written due to the fact that I felt like a fraud and avoided writing about this topic for that very reason. Even though I’ve been able to help so many people with their love lives, I was unhappy and sick in my marriage no matter...

How to Detach from Unhealthy Love

I had a dream where a woman was at her ex boyfriend’s house. She was very attracted to him always wanting to touch his sexy body. This ex kept asking her to marry him and she knew she was a no, but was still in his home. All of a sudden, he told her she had to hide....

Missing an Ex

Still Thinking About an Ex? Depending on what needs to heal, an ex may show up in your mind all of a sudden and stay there until you deal with him.  When one person is thinking of another, the energy is real and can connect to the other. One possibility is to ask that...