Anger in Love

Have you ever been triggered by something your partner said or did and lashed out at him? I’m not proud to admit that I have and so have many of my coaching clients. It’s important to have compassion and forgiveness for yourself if this shows up for you. As...

Money Matters

Have you ever felt like you’re just surviving life? Have so many awful things happened to you that you feel you’ll never get out of the rut you’re in? Been there, done that. Many times, actually. I had a dream where I was helping at an event and was...

Ex-Lovers in Dreams

Have you ever had a dream of being with an ex or seeing one in a dream? You think, “Wait! No! I’m not with this person anymore and I don’t want to be with this person. Why am I dreaming about him/her?” Depending on how the relationship was...

Strengthening the Throat Chakra

The theme for the past couple of weeks has been to speak up even when you don’t want to. Clients have been allowing boundaries to be crossed again and again and it’s taking a toll on their nervous system. Over the past few months I’ve been having recurring...