by Corinn LeMar | Dec 7, 2018 | Dream Healer Corinn, Today's Dream
My client had been concerned that she was feeling high anxiety and feeling scattered. The dream I had was where a woman was walking to a class that had hardwood floors. It was dimly lit and people were standing in rows. The instructor looked like a wise man with a...
by Corinn LeMar | Oct 15, 2018 | Dream Healer Corinn, Today's Dream
People usually ask me how they can stop having bad dreams. I know that feeling of being haunted by a nightmare or unpleasant dream. You are left feeling exhausted from what happened. You wonder why you had it and what there is to do about it. What if I told you bad...
by Corinn LeMar | Oct 12, 2018 | Dream Healer Corinn, Today's Dream
The dream I had for a client of mine was where she was on a beach. She looked up and saw a huge wave coming. She immediately did a hand stand, some children grabbed her legs and helped her walk all along the beach in celebration of this wave. When I told my client...
by Corinn LeMar | Aug 27, 2018 | Dream Healer Corinn, Today's Dream
I had a dream for a client who was feeling heavy energy for a couple of weeks. In the dream she was looking forward to having a day all to herself in her home. When she walked out of her bedroom she saw strangers were in her house. They were everywhere. They couldn’t...
by Corinn LeMar | Apr 3, 2018 | Dream Healer Corinn, Today's Dream
I recently worked with a client who has been trying to lose weight for some time. She eats healthy and has a background in nutrition and other healing modalities and couldn’t figure out why she’s not losing weight. Most often when someone is dealing with weight...
by Corinn LeMar | Mar 1, 2018 | Love, Today's Dream
Almost everyday I have dreams for me, but I don’t often write about me because a woman once told me my newsletter should be inspirational and not a journal about me. I let that criticism in until I realized that as a collective consciousness healer, what I’m going...